Abduction cases

Father : Egyptian
Mother : Kazakhstan
Child age : 3 years

The father kidnapped the child from the mother, left her with his family, and traveled to the UAE for work. For more than a year, the mother tried to find her child to no avail. She contacted us and we asked her to come and legal measures were taken. We filed several lawsuits against the father and his family, and we contacted a special committee in the Egyptian Ministry of Justice, which asked Interpol to communicate with the father’s family. Indeed, a meeting was held with them, and the child was handed over to her mother in our office after an agreement between the two parties on February 25, 2024. The mother is now with her daughter in Kazakhstan

Congratulations Natalya
Welcome Back Jasmin
Wish long happy life for you

Mother : Germany
Father : Egyptian
She’s kidnapped by father from Germany 2016
The mother contact us February 2017 we start our work by family and criminal courts in Hurghada and Cairo and for 1 year and 2 month we followed the father and his family every where till we found Lucia in Cairo and now she have happy nice life in Germany with her mother and brother Kevin

3 Canadian kids
Kidnapped from Canada to Egypt
Nora & Hassan & Mohamed in January 2020
The mother immediately contacted us and came to Egypt we started our work in Cairo family court and and we found the kids. With father friends in compound in Cairo the father in that time was in Canada. 15 March 2020 the kids back to their mother and after some days travel to Canada. They have good life now…

One of the most hard abduction cases in the world
Yassin & Yacub
Mother : Slovakian
Father : Egypt
They kidnapped by father from Slovakia to Uk then to Egypt 2012
The mother start fight for her kids from first day
She worked with some specialized organizations in Europe to help return her children and worked with many lawyers in Egypt in a number of cases
Without results and did not lose hope until She contracted with our office in April 2018, and we started working in Qena Governorate in Upper Egypt for about a year until we were able to find the children and return them to their mother, who deserves the title of hero for her patience and strength throughout this period. The two children returned with the mother to Slovakia in 2019 To start a new happy life there

Zach. British smart boy kidnap from uk by his father when he was 5 years old
Mother : British
Father : Egyptian
Kidnapped: 2014
The mother contact us in 2017 we start our work in the father familyvillage against all the family by family and criminal law.
The father hide the kid he change the address more the 15 times and change more than 50 phone number
In the end we found him in so local area in Cairo I called the mother after the police arrested the father she came immediately and now she and Zach have happy nice life in England from 2018

Father : Egyptian
Mother: Czech
Child age : 6 year
The story of one of the strangest cases we worked on. After a marriage that lasted for seven years, the father kidnapped the child and brought her to his family’s village in Upper Egypt, then returned to the Czech Republic, leaving the child with his family. The mother filed a lawsuit to return the child to the Czech Republic. The father came to court and presented a medical certificate stating that the child was ill and could not travel. The court gave him a period of 3 months to bring the child. Three months later, the father attended court with the child’s death certificate. The court asked to verify the death certificate, and the response was that it was valid and available in the Egyptian civil status registry. But the mother’s heart did not believe it and she contacted us through her embassy in Cairo. After conducting our own investigations and questioning the authenticity of the death certificate. We asked her to come to Egypt, and as soon as she arrived, we went together to the police station of the village where the father’s family resides and filed a report in which we accused the father’s family of negligence that led to the death of the child, if she had actually died, and of falsifying official documents if the child was still alive. The Criminal Public Prosecution was interested in our report and asked the secret criminal police to quickly investigate and research the report. Indeed, after several hours of hard work, the criminal police were able to find the child with her uncle. He was later arrested, along with the father and a number of employees who helped them in forging the death certificate. The child was handed over to her mother. On April 25, 2024, after an entire year’s absence. They returned to the Czech Republic to start a new life, and the father, uncle and others are still in prison awaiting trial

Back to the life…….!
March 2023 abducted her from Czech
February 2024 Said she dead and bring certificate
24/4/2024 we find her and get her back to mother
Congratulations Eva Welcome Back Kiara ❤❤❤❤

Father : Egyptian
Mother: Brunei
Kid age : 6 month
The father kidnapped the child from Brunei without the mother’s knowledge and traveled with her to Egypt on a long flight of more than 15 hours on March 10, 2024. The mother contacted us and we asked her to come to Egypt, and after doing our own investigations, we discovered that the father traveled to Saudi Arabia for work on March 13, 2024, and left the child with his sister. After the mother arrived in Egypt, the necessary legal measures and investigations were taken to determine the child’s place of residence, and the team working with the mother, with the assistance of the police, received the child from the city of Tanta on March 31, 2024.
Congratulations Nazurah
Welcome back Malika
Wish. Long happy life 

Father : Egyptian & American
Mother: Georgian
Kid age : 4 year
2 years ago the father kidnapped the child from his mother after claiming that she was mentally ill, brought incorrect medical reports, forced her to travel to Georgia, sold his house in Egypt, and disappeared with the child in a place unknown to the mother and did not allow her to communicate with her son… She called us and we asked her to come to Egypt. We made the necessary investigations to determine the child’s place of residence. The work team, in cooperation with the Public Prosecution and the Egyptian Police, went to the child’s place with the father, and the child was handed over to his mother on May 23, 2024.

After 2 years
Finally Jeff back to his mother Georgia 🇬🇪
Congratulations Natia & welcome Back Jeff
Wish happy long life and all the best in the life

Father : Egyptian have Russian Nationality
Mother : Russian
Child age : 3 year
The father kidnapped the child from Russia 🇷🇺 and brought her to Egypt and informed the mother that he did not want to return to Russia. The mother contacted us, and as soon as she arrived, we conducted special investigations to determine the child’s place of residence. We obtained a decision from the Supreme Prosecution for Family Affairs, and the child was handed over to the mother with the assistance of our work team and the Egyptian police in Hurghada on December 8, 2023, after an absence of more than 7 months.

Congratulations Anistasia
Welcome back Nadia
Wish long happy life in Russia

Father : Syrian Mother : German The father kidnapped him from Germany to Egypt in October 2023 and informed the mother that they were in Syria and would not return to Germany. The mother contacted us after Interpol told her that they were in Egypt. Once she arrived in Egypt, legal measures were taken and we obtained a decision from the Supreme Prosecution for Family Affairs to hand over the child to his mother. After conducting our own investigations and determining the child’s place of residence, the mother received her child with the assistance of the work team and the Egyptian police on January 8, 2024.

Congratulations Anistasia
Welcome back Nadia
Wish long happy life in Russia